Every person must have self-confidence , some people consider that it has to be covered and it really is the good choice. But you do not have to be rich or to cover your self-confidence , you just have to find something that you are good at , which makes you proud and makes you feel unique.
The selfconfidence is the
elixir of our life , it attends us wherever we go and makes us stronger and more
attractive , leads us through the way to perfection and configures the way to
live , accenting on the way we esteem ourselves.We would like to recommend you
some means to help you to establish an excellent and firm self-confidence.
of the main premises is to esteem yourselves , to give yourself a rest , to keep
away the anger , not to pay attention to the insignificant details and to say in
your mind: “I am above all this”. This will make you more persevering and will
reinforce your character..
sport is also important for you and your humour , your
self-confidence achieved by regular training leads you to the desire
to be a
winner , to be number one and to show that you are the man , to show a
of a champion.Take a sheet and a pen and divide the sheet in two
columns. In the
first column write down your advantages (+) and in the second – your
disadvantages (-) and think what are the things that you are
doing best and write them in the advantage column.
Think about your
disadvantages and write them in to the other column. Ask yourself
questions and
after you finish , find the things that you are special at and go on
developing them , aiming to show yourself the best way you can. The
disadvantages must not offend you , you must say again: “I am above
all this”
and go on improving them one by one. Have a positive look over the
problems and
concentrate over the good moments in your life , developing your
Author: Health MAG
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